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The Ruiner 3000 is a sleek black car that brings out the 80s' aesthetic. This car is based on the car KITT from TV's Knight Rider. This car has a unique interior design and a lot of customizations. You can get this car for $5,745,600 from Warstock Cache & Carry.


GTA 5: Most Expensive Vehicle
You can get a reduced price of $4,320,000 once you complete the Arms Embargo mission as a CEO.

Deluxo - $4,721,500
A Back To The Future reference in a vehicle form, this car is able to take you and your friends to the skies just like the movies. It's also fast both on the ground and in the air. You could easily control it. The only downside of this car is its durability to damage. Perhaps the reason is because of the machinery that makes it fly inside. The Deluxo can be purchased from Warstock Cache & Carry for $4,721,500. With a reduced price of $3,550,000 if the Signal Intercepts heist setup is completed.
Scramjet - $4,628,400
The Scramjet is a retro-futuristic car. It has a turbo boost and power hop. The only disadvantage is that it has an open roof. Meaning that you might get shot while driving it. But its appearance might make it worthwhile, though.
Graphics and Sound
Lasting Appeal

Trackers are very important to cars as it will give you the location of your car if it is stolen. But at the same time it will be costly to buy new ones. So one trick is to buy a garage.


Though it might not be a property with good appearance, each car you park in a garage will get you a free tracker of its own. Keep in mind that only cars with trackers can be insured. So if you start out fresh, this could be an easy way to save a few bucks.

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