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Fall Guys: How to win the Minigames
Very few games in the world manage to bring players the wide range of emotions that Fall Guys can. The game is so cute, exciting and fun that sometimes players even forget that they’re in a battle royale mode. There are hundreds of players competing for survival in this battle, and to come up on top isn’t an easy task. Here are a few tips to help you survive the minigames of Fall Guys and become the ultimate champion.
Dizzy Heights
This is one of the first few minigames you will play in Fall Guys. The game requires players to manage their balances to make it to the finish line while being on a spinning platform. You’re thinking about a strategy? Don’t. The trick to handle Dizzy Heights is to go with the flow of the platform. Don’t try to fight the force for a shortcut, take your time and go straight with the direction they want you to go.
This is surely one of the hardest minigames of Fall Guys. Players will jump onto the hexagon platforms, just to realize these platforms will quickly disappear to push everyone down a level below. The platforms will vanish so fast players will struggle fighting for a spot to stay in the hexagon. The winner will be the last one standing in the game.

How to get Fall guys

This page contains links to the official sources of the app Fall guys. So that you do not have problems with getting the app, we have prepared a detailed instruction.


How to get Fall guys from the official store.

To quickly and painlessly get the Fall guys app on the Official Store, you should use the following instructions.

  1. Go to the Get for PC button.
  2. If you use a browser on a PC or mobile device, you'll go to the Fall guys app page on the official store website.

To get the app through the browser, you need to log in to your account in the store and add it to the library.

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